Lordship Salvation

What is it about?

A jailer asked the question of Paul and Silas, "Sirs what must I do to be saved?" (Acts 16:30). Paul and Silas responded by simply saying "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved." (Acts 16:31). What does it mean to believe? At issue is the nature of the prerequisite response necessary for a person to receive the forgiveness of sins and eternal life. This in-depth book was written to evaluate, critique, and respond to the position commonly called "Lordship Salvation."

2nd Edition of Lordship Salvation

The 2nd Edition

The 2nd GraceLife Edition of Charlie Bing's instrumental book on Lordship Salvation has been updated and designed for easy use by a broad audience. You will find a clear in-depth discussion of the four main issues in the Lordship controversy: The significance of faith, repentance, Christ's lordship, and discipleship. An added Scripture index helps you find expositions for over 60 key Bible passages.


What's inside?

The study will limit itself to the most prominent lexical arguments and important Bible passages used by that position. Several issues in particular represent the need for the present study; these include the debate over the true gospel and its practical ramifications.

Further Reading

For shorter, easier to read topics related to the discussion about Lordship salvation and God's free grace, you can checkout Dr. Bing's GraceNotes which answers common questions. These are available online and in pdf format for downloading and sharing.

What is Free Grace Theology?

Theological labels are a convenient way to summarize belief systems. Many labels have become an established part of theological dialogue, like Arminianism, Calvinism, amillennialism, or premillennialism. Many who hear the label 'Free Grace Theology' wonder what it means. Here is a brief summation.

Why is Lordship so Popular?

A question often asked by those who hold the Free Grace position is Why is Lordship Salvation so popular? Read More...

Some questions for Lordship proponents

Followers of Lordship Salvation insist that a person is eternally saved not only by believing in Jesus Christ as Savior, but also by committing completely to Him as the Lord or Master of one's life.

Man's Aversion to Grace

To those who have been profoundly changed by a clear understanding of God's grace it is often puzzling why more people, unsaved or saved, do not accept that message.

The Lordship of Jesus Christ

Jesus is Lord. No one who believes the Bible denies that. But what does that mean and how does Christ's lordship apply to our salvation and our Christian life?

Can good works prove salvation?

There is every reason to think that those who have believed in Jesus Christ as Savior and are consequently born into God's family will experience a changed life to some degree. Some would say that this changed life is evidenced by good works which proves they are saved.

Get in touch

Whether you want to know more about Lordship Salvation, or if you have website technical questions/suggestions, or if you have a theological question; please feel free to contact us via gracelife.org or getting in touch with us via phone or mail.

We will try to get back with you as soon as possible. All information will remain confidential and none of the information is used for solicitation or marketing purposes.